Frequently Asked Questions

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track your order's status on our website or the carrier's website.

We offer a hassle-free return policy. If you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 10 days of receiving your order. Please review our Return And Refund Policy page for more details.

You can reach our customer support team via:

  • Email:
  • Contact Form via our website
  • Live chat box

Yes, your security is our priority. We use industry-standard encryption to protect your personal and payment information. Your data is handled securely and is never shared with third parties.

If an item is out of stock, you can sign up for email notifications to be alerted when it's back in stock. Alternatively, you can contact our support team for assistance in finding a similar product

You may be able to change or cancel your order, but it depends on the order status. Please contact our support team as soon as possible for assistance.

Unfortunately we may not have all the questions or answers in the FAQ page. Please use our chat box on the bottom right of the page or alternatively send us an email at for any enquiries or concerns.